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Then we your people, the sheep of your pasture, will praise you forever; from
generation to generation we will recount your praise. Psalm 79:13
I am still smiling over the 100th Anniversary we celebrated on Sunday
September 19. The Holy Spirit was alive and moving among us. Listening to
stories from the beginning, how patient yet diligent in building this church. To us
continuing to have services and singing. Oh what joy that brought to our visitors!
Psalm 79:13 is so Zion, from generation to generation you have praised God.
His pasture is full of your sheep. This says something about the community of
this church, that no matter what boulders, fences, barriers or diseases are tossed
at you, you will praise Him forever. You come together to make things work. It
may not be the same and look different yet you never stop recounting His praise.
I am honored to be able to serve at this church and work with many dedicated
people to ensure the doors stay open and we are known. As we move into this
next season of change we are uncertain what lies around the next corner yet, I
am most certain we will pick up the pieces, continue to grow and share our love
for Jesus.

Peace and many THANKS to those who helped make the 100th Anniversary a
huge SUCCESS!!!!!