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There is no longer Jew or Greek; there is no longer
slave or free; there is no longer male and female, for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.”
Galatians 3:28 NRSVU

This verse is a reminder about how God is revealing himself to the world in Jesus, and how
we also are challenged to be a part of God’s manifestation. This is part of what being a
Christian is all about, revealing the love of God to the world by living out the example of Jesus
in our own lives. “In our own lives” is the key as we have no control over what others say,
think, do, or act but we do have a say in how we respond. For those who are members or
those thinking of becoming members, we need to think about things we would like to see
started, picked back up or let rest as we move forward as a congregation. As each of us plays
a unique yet crucial role here at Zion. We need each other to continue to utilize the gifts God
has given you to be a part of God’s manifestation and reveal the love of God to the
community by living out the example of Jesus in our own lives, whatever that may look like.
We are all one in Christ Jesus and you are loved!


Peace, Your SAM, Wendy