“By your words I can see where I’m going; they throw a beam of light on my dark path. I’ve committed myself and I‘ll never turn back from living by your righteous order.”
Psalm 119:105 (The Message)
As I am answering the questions for my Endorsement Essay, there was one question: “Which passage of Scripture resonates with your own faith journey, and why?” I chose Psalm 119:105. It is true that God’s word is a lamp that not only shows and tells us how He wants us to live but also provides examples how we should live and walk in His ways every day. To me, it is like having my own spiritual compass. This verse also tells me that His Word brightens our path each step of the way. Having His brightness allows us to see more clearly, as not to misstep or go in the wrong direction. What I really love about this verse is what the message states about “I’ve committed myself and will never turn back.” Today’s world is tough and it is a good thing that God allows us to make U turns (ask for forgiveness) to head back to where we may have
misstepped and then to continue on our journey of faith, trust and love all in His name.
Your SAM, Wendy