Next month our Annual meeting will be held on January 28th. Please look over the constitution before the annual meeting so we can make adjustments as needed. Copies are placed in the narthex.
Committees that need reports to Vera by January 14th, so a report can available before the meeting, are: Letter from the Church Council, Pastor's Letter, Congregation Events 2023, Financial Secretary’s Report, Treasurer’s Report, W/ELCA Report, Prayer Garden Report, Worship Committee, Music Ministry Report, and Youth Education and Activities Report.
Also, as a reminder, the ballot results from the last annual meeting were: Church Council: Peggy Brant & Shelly Kroschel; Auditing: Barb Fischer, Sue Summerland, and Rich Bruns; Nominating Dodie Frye, Lucy Lehman, & Lexi Frye; Synod Delegates: Lena Scullard and Joan Sachs, Alternates: Tylor and Nikki Peterson (family wedding), then Tim and Lucy Lehman.
Counctl members coming off council this year are Mark Currie and Tylor Petersen.Thank you for your years of service.
Please contact someone on the nominating committee if you are interested in helping out.