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“For you were called to freedom, brothers and sisters:
only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for
self-indulgence, but through love become slaves to one
Galatians 5:13

The fourth of July is upon us and when we think of the 4th many of us are looking
forward to BBQ’s, parades, family get-togethers and fireworks. We of course can not
forget the reason for this holiday and that is to celebrate all the freedoms we are given
here in the US. Freedom to enjoy the things mentioned above plus many, many more.
So this 4th of July, think of making a dish to share with someone outside your family or
inviting someone different than you to your get-together and share your freedom and
the power of love of Christ. Let’s not keep that freedom of the love of Christ to and for
ourselves but be willing to be slaves to others by showing love, grace and mercy to all
those you come in contact with this month.

Your SAM, Wendy